To get started, you’ll find the catalog on our library’s home page. You can type your query straight into the search box there, or you can also click the link just below the search box.
Sign in using the link in the top right corner. While you can search without signing in, you’ll need to be logged in to access many of our online resources and to save your results.
There will be two login options: Community Card Users and Principia login. Students, staff, and faculty will use the Principia login, which is your Prin username and password.
If you click on your name in the top right, you can see your library card and access loans, requests, favorites, and search history. This is also where you’d go to change the display language, if desired. Click the library card icon to see what it’s all about.
The overview page shows you your library activity at a glance, including loans, fines & fees, requests, and blocks & messages.
Click the back button next to “My library card” to return to the main searching page.