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Teaching the Writing Process - WRIT 350 - Sprague




If you want a title that is not available through Library Search @ Prin or I-Share:

Search for the item and click on its title.

  • Click on the link "Borrow this item from another library"

  • Fill out and submit the WorldCat form.

Otherwise, please fill out this Interlibrary Loan Request Form below.

Questions? Contact Abigail DeWeese at 618.374.5072 or

Search Activity: Personas


  1. In groups of 3, decide who will be the Generator, the Typer, and the Recorder
    (Generator thinks of possible search words to use; Typer builds the search in the library's search engine; Recorder writes down the process and anything noteworthy.)
  2. Choose a "persona card" for your group.
  3. Use library search and the "Big 3" search tools to create a list of search results that help your person answer their question or begin their research.
  4. Record your process and interesting findings as you go. The recorder will write everything down, but it's everyone's job to think about process and results - this is where deep learning happens!

Link to search activity notes google doc:

This work by Principia College Library is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International