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Database Speed Dating

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Hello There!

Welcome to Speed Dating with Databases, where we dish the deets on the hottest databases available and help you find the right research match for your needs. Browse the profiles to find a compatible database,

Preparing for your first database can be intimidating. Don't worry! The Database Relationship Coach is here to prep you so you have a smooth experience. On this page, we'll teach you how to spot red flags and maneuver through awkward situations. Take our advice, and you'll be going on your second "date"abase in no time!

How To Date(abase)

Keep it Simple

First, you need to know how to approach a database and start a conversation. If you give a database a long question, it may get confused or overwhelmed. Stick to a few keywords and try out the search tools we discussed last class session.

Bitmoji of Heather holding a sign that says no


What is the relationship between fungal cells and plant development?



Bitmoji of Heather holding a sign that says yes


Fungus AND Plants




You may want to ask all your dates the same questions to see how their answers compare.


Set Boundaries

There are some things you don't want to talk about on a first database, so set some boundaries. In the search options, under your keywords, you can choose additional options to make sure your conversation stays on track.  

  • Select "Full Text" to make sure you have access to an entire topic, and not just a summary.
  • Select "Peer Reviewed" if you want to have a scholarly conversation.  
  • Select a "Published Date" or set a "Date Range" to let your database know that you want to focus on the past or present. 

If your date doesn't let you set boundaries, that might be a red flag!

Follow Up

If you like the database, you'll want to make plans to meet again. If you ask nicely, your database might give you their citation information. Can you find citation information easily?

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