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Reimagining Bibliography

Items related to reimagining curriculum. This is not a comprehensive list, but a starting point.

Major Higher Education News Sources

Below are items that have been shared with and by various committees:

Aoun, J. (2017). Robot-proof: higher education in the age of artificial intelligence. The MIT Press.
Attis, D. (2021). Five myths about academic program portfolio review. EAB.
Cox, J. C., & Horton, M. J. (n.d.). Economies of Scope in Liberal Arts Institutions: Colleges as Intentional Communities.
Delbanco, A. (2023, June 10). REVIEW --- Great Books Can Heal Our Divided Campuses --- Colleges need more programs where students of different backgrounds can wrestle together with the big questions posed by the humanities. Wall Street Journal, Eastern Edition, C.1.
Gardner, L., & June, A. W. (2022, August 17). The Perilous Predicament of the Very Small College: Many campuses with fewer than 1,000 students survived the pandemic on fumes. What’s next? The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Greene, G. (2023a). Immeasurable outcomes: teaching Shakespeare in the age of the algorithm. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Greene, G. (2023b, January 17). How the liberal arts can save higher education. Big Think.
Lewis, E. (2019). Toward a 2.0 Compact for the Liberal Arts. Daedalus, 148(4), 217–234.
Long, C. P., & Laursen, B. K. (2017). The Liberal Arts Endeavor: Enacting Values in General Education Reform. The Journal of General Education, 66(3–4), v–vii.
McMurtrie, B. (2023). Students Are Disoriented by Gen Ed. So Colleges Are Trying to Fix It. Chronicle of Higher Education, 69(19), 1–1.
Mintz, S. (2020, September 7). Designing the Future of Liberal Education. Inside Higher Education.
Moner, W., Motley, P., & Pope-Ruark, R. (Eds.). (2020). Redesigning liberal education: innovative design for a twenty-first-century undergraduate education. Johns Hopkins University Press.
Pettit, E. (2023). Citing ‘Unprecedented’ Financial Challenges, Miami U. Tells Low-Enrollment Majors to Change. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Rhodes, T. (2021). Within our reach: Essential learning outcomes, engaged pedagogy, and assessment for quality learning. New Directions for Teaching & Learning, 2021(166), 17–23.
Rosenberg, B. (n.d.). Higher ed’s ruinous resistance to change. The Chronicle of Higher Education, September 25, 2023.

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