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Citation Guide

Official MLA Citation Style Guide Manual:

Helpful MLA Style Guides:

MLA Handbook Plus Courses on MLA Citation Style:

  • MLA Style 101 - Explore the MLA template of core elements with this introductory course. Each of the nine videos highlight one of the elements—like author, version, or publisher—and provides guidance on how to find publication information in various types of sources.
  • MLA Style 101: Using the Practice Template - In this course you will learn how to use our practice template of core elements to assemble works-cited-list entries.
  • In-Text Citations in MLA Format - In this course you will learn about in-text citations in MLA style, including how to create basic and complex in-text citations, how to manage multiple sources in one sentence, and common misconceptions about in-text citations.

  • Quoting and Paraphrasing in MLA Format - Learn how to successfully paraphrase and quote from sources—and avoid plagiarism—in this detailed walk-through of the various ways to integrate quotations into prose.

Credo Video & Tutorial on MLA Citation Style:

Credo MLA Video

Credo Video on MLA Citation Style

Citation Software

The library supports Zotero which is designed to help you create, organize, and write citations. Below are the pros and cons.


Zotero: A tool for many citation styles. Able to capture information quickly from web pages, online catalogs, webpages, etc.

               + Many citation styles
               + Easy to import citations
               + Easy to organize
               + Can add a .pdf attachment with citations
               + Works seamlessly with add-ons to create in-text citations and a bibliography for:
                    *Microsoft Office
                    *Google Docs
               + Option to add a note with a citation

               - Internet Connection Required



Zoterobib: This online tool builds a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software.

               + Many citation styles
               + Very easy to use - no software to learn

               + Easy to import citations
               + Can create bibliography fully within your browser; option to generate a link to return later
               + Includes tools for creating parenthetical citations, footnotes, and endnotes

               - Internet connection required
               - Might lose your work if you close your browser while using Chrome's incognito mode

  • Many citation styles
  • Easy to import citations
  • Fairly accurate citations
  • Easy to Organize
  • Can add a .pdf attachment with the citation (virtual filing cabinet)
  • Microsoft Office Add-on for creating in-text citations and a bibliography
  • Option to add a note with a citation (this might be an option for documenting your annotations)
  • Operates within Firefox web browser
  • Internet Connection Required

This work by Principia College Library is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International