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Global Changemakers - GLBS 230 - Andrews

Too many results?

Review  your search results and look for off topic entries.  Is there a word that consistently retrieves irrelevant results?  Type that word into a new search box and use the Boolean Operator "NOT".

Not enough results?

Think of other ways that you can describe the topic and combine them with the Boolean Operator "OR".  Remember to use parentheses around your "OR" grouping.

If you still aren't sure, ask a librarian.

From an EbscoHost database,

  • Click on the detailed record for the article.
  • Click on the link “Request document via interlibrary loan” and complete the form.

Otherwise, please fill out this Interlibrary Loan Request Form.

Questions? Contact Abigail DeWeese at 618.374.5072 or