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Why Sport Matters - GEN 101WS - Ellis

Plagiarism Prevention Resources

We have gathered some resources to help you understand what plagiarism is and how to avoid it. Remember your FYE Faculty, the Librarians and the Writing/Research Tutors can help answer your questions. When in doubt, ask!




•  Purdue Online Writing Lab - Avoiding Plagiarism 

•  Patchwriting 

•  CBB Plagiarism Resource Site 
Contains helpful tips for identifying plagiarism and creating study and research habits to avoid plagiarizing

Some good habits for studying and taking notes:

  • Use multiple sources
  • Take detailed notes:
    • Summarize the big ideas in your own words
    • Respond to the text with your own ideas
    • Attach citation information to your notes/quotes
    • Diagrams, illustrations, and visual aids help you remember important information
  • Read actively:
    • Ask questions of the text as you read
    • Make connections between the text, your own ideas, and other sources you read
    • Provide your own analysis
    • Record citation information as you go

Studying That Works for You

Think about these questions and how you'd answer them:
  • How do you keep track of your work on a daily basis - do you use a planner, an Outlook calendar, your phone?
  • What time of day do you prefer to study?
  • Where do you like to work - somewhere soft and cozy or a businesslike atmosphere?
  • Do you prefer long or short periods of time?
    • Try the Pomodoro method as a tool to stay focused:









Illustration by Jono Hey and licensed under a  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License

  • How do you avoid distractions?

    • The Flora app plants a virtual tree when you start a task, and the tree dies if you navigate away for too long.

    •  Motion and Mindful Browsing are both Chrome extensions to help you keep yourself on track.

Academic Integrity Policy

A Principian is expected to pursue a life of integrity. See the Principia Community Commitment. Therefore academic honesty is essential to a Principia College education.

Students are responsible for doing their own academic work and making satisfactory progress. Instances of cheating or plagiarism are referred to the Scholastic Committee. Poor academic performance or a breach of academic integrity could result in academic suspension. For more information see Academic Standing. Students on academic suspension are not allowed to remain in campus housing.