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Copyright Resources

Analyze fair use to determine if you can use the work without permission or to determine if you need permission.  Follow these best practices:

  • LINK!  Whenever possible use licensed library resources and link to the content.  Linking is preferable to scanning and posting digital copies of the full text of an article, a book chapter, or an image
  • If you must post full text, limit to small excerpts (single article or chapter)
  • Consider context: providing access to multiple works in Canvas could be considered a “digital course pack.” Course packs need permission if not allowed by the library's license.
  • Check the Copyright Clearance Center to see if the library's license for the resource allows the use you want. 
  • Don’t provide so much content in Canvas that the material ends up being a substitute for purchasing the materials (amount and substance of the use)
  • If you use content for more than one term, get permission for each subsequent term
  • If scanning a print copy to use online, make sure you have a legal original copy (you did not violate copyright when you obtained the copy)
  • When the class is over, remove the copyrighted materials from the course
  • Be sure posted copies carry a complete citation, proper attribution, and copyright notices.
  • Do not copy content created and marketed specifically for online courses.
  • Do not use consumables such as workbooks, lab manuals, etc. These are meant to be purchased and “consumed” by students.
Source: Loma Linda University Libraries

Search Journal Search to determine if the library has access to the journal that you want to use.

Search the library catalog to determine if the book you want to use is available as an e-book in our collection.


Permalinks are the easiest way to link to library resources in Canvas, reading lists, websites, and email. A permalink is a URL or web address that will consistently point to a specific library resource such as an article, ebook, ejournal, streaming video, database, or record in a database.

Why use permalinks:

  1. URLs or links in the address bar of your browser may be session-based or search-based and not work when copied and used another time.
  2. Linking to licensed library resources in Canvas is copyright compliant. Linking is recommended over posting digital copies of full articles or chapters.
  3. Linking allows library use to be counted. We gather usage statistics and consider usage when making decisions about journal or database cancellations.

Linking to books, journals, articles

Start from the Library homepage and use the Principia College Library Catalog search box to search for the resource. After you find the book, chapter, article or paper you need, click on the resource name to see the description. Look for the Permalink button at the bottom of the page, click and copy.

If you are searching within a library database and want to link to a database record for an article or book, look for a permalink, stable URL, or a share link. Most databases provide a link that will bring you back to the record in the database.

This work by Principia College Library is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International