State Profiles (US Census) - Use the filters on the left side of the page to find your state's statistical profile. Comparisons to national data are particularly useful.
State Electorate Profiles (US Census) - Choose your state from the list to see quick facts about the electorate (eligible voters) from that state. Note: the most recent data available is from 2016.
Voting History and Trends by State ( - Click on a state to see historical voting trends as well as a brief summary of the state's voting history, going back to the earliest elections.
Dave Leip's Atlas of US Presidential Elections - Find historical voting data at the presidential, congressional, and gubernatorial levels. A good way to start is to click the "Election Info" tab at the top of the page, then choose your state from the list on the left.
Election Results - CNN Election Data Explorer (*Redirects to CNN app as of 10/2/2024*) - Click on your state to see election returns. Use the drop-down boxes to view results from presidential and congressional elections from 2016-2020. Try the "add comparison layers" option to see how factors like race and income level impacted results at the state and county levels.