Official APA Citation Style Guide Manual:
Helpful APA Style Guides:
Citation Software
The library supports Zotero which is designed to help you create, organize, and write citations. Below are the pros and cons.
+ Many citation styles
+ Easy to import citations
+ Easy to organize
+ Can add a .pdf attachment with citations
+ Works seamlessly with add-ons to create in-text citations and a bibliography for:
*Microsoft Office
*Google Docs
+ Option to add a note with a citation
- Internet Connection Required
Zoterobib: This online tool builds a bibliography instantly from any computer or device, without creating an account or installing any software.
+ Many citation styles
+ Very easy to use - no software to learn
+ Easy to import citations
+ Can create bibliography fully within your browser; option to generate a link to return later
+ Includes tools for creating parenthetical citations, footnotes, and endnotes
- Internet connection required
- Might lose your work if you close your browser while using Chrome's incognito mode