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Mary Baker Eddy & History of Christian Science

Resources for researching Mary Baker Eddy and Christian Science History

Resources about Mary Baker Eddy and the History of Christian Science

The Principia College library has numerous resources about Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Science, and the movement.  Library Search @ Principia lists all of the resources available at Principia College both archival and contemporary.

Below are several other organizations who hold and/or publish materials by or about Mary Baker Eddy, Christian Science, and the movement. 

Mary Baker Eddy Library Holdings & Finding Aids

Longyear Research Archive

JSH-Online and Computer Software

JSH-Online is available on selected computers in the library.  Please see a library staff member for more information.

The library has multiple copies of the software: Ark:Christian Science Collection Version 2.0 available for check out.  The Ark software includes the following titles:

King James Version Bible  
Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures  
Mary Baker Eddy's Other Published Writings  
Christian Science Periodicals
-  The Christian Science Journal (1883-1922)
-  Christian Science Sentinel (1898-1922)
-  The Christian Science Quarterly (1904-1922)

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