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Methods in Research & Writing - BNR 201 - McAllister

  Lonicera maackii (Amur Honeysuckle)

Keywords for research:

  • Common Name - Amur Honeysuckle
  • Scientific Name - Lonicera maackii   
  •  Order - Dipsacales  
  •  Family Name - Caprifoliaceae      

Strategy for research:

  1. Use Library Search @ Principia to find articles, books, and reports.  
  2. Use Academic Search Complete to find additional articles.
  3. Use BioOne to find additional articles.
  4. Use JSTOR to find additional articles
  5. Follow up on bibliographies in the articles for additional material
  6. Look for books and/or reports with Library Search @ Principia/I-Share/Government Sites.
  7. Review your articles for topics
    • What trends are you seeing?
    • Can you identify topics that are missing?
  8. Use Google Scholar and/or Library Search @ Principia to find articles to address your missing topics.                 

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