Keywords for research:
- Common Name - Amur Honeysuckle
- Scientific Name - Lonicera maackii
- Order - Dipsacales
- Family Name - Caprifoliaceae
Strategy for research:
- Use Library Search @ Principia to find articles, books, and reports.
- Use Academic Search Complete to find additional articles.
- Use BioOne to find additional articles.
- Use JSTOR to find additional articles
- Follow up on bibliographies in the articles for additional material
- Look for books and/or reports with Library Search @ Principia/I-Share/Government Sites.
- Review your articles for topics
- What trends are you seeing?
- Can you identify topics that are missing?
- Use Google Scholar and/or Library Search @ Principia to find articles to address your missing topics.
AI Tools for Research:
(Free with Paid Upgrade Options)
- Consensus AI - Uses Semantic Scholar
- Research Rabbit - Visualizes references and citations and finds similar articles.