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Feminist Philosophy - PHIL 222 - Allen-Gunasekera

Mining the Bibliography

Suggested encyclopedia: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

 As you begin your research, the work you're reading might cite another work that you want to explore as well. Here are some helpful tips for this process, commonly referred to as "mining the bibliography":

1. Decide if you're looking for a book or a journal article

The information in the bibliography will clue you in.

Click the image below to try it out:

2. To find a book:

Sample book to try: Adams, Carol J., 1990, The Sexual Politics of Meat: A Feminist-Vegetarian Critical Theory, London: Bloomsbury.



3. To find a journal article:

Sample article to try: Anderson, Elizabeth S., 1999, “What is the Point of Equality?”, Ethics, 109: 287–337